How To Help Your Horse Balance In The Canter

Today's blog explains how I help my horses find their balance in the canter.

Does your horse get faster and faster in the canter?

Is he unbalanced in the canter?

Does he pull in the canter?

Does he dive onto his forehand?

If so, then this blog is for you (and your horse 😉)

I share how I help a horse find his balance, slow down in the canter and not pull or dive onto his forehand. You only need the desire to help him improve and the ability to allow him to be "ugly" until he becomes "beautiful".

By this, I mean that he may not look as coordinated and balanced as Rebel does in this video. Although Rebel does have one big "dive onto the forehand", and I leave that in for you to see, I want to say that it is OK to look "ugly". Rebel looked very "ugly" in his early days and only improved because I allowed the ugly transitions while he was finding his balance.

It takes time - be patient. No one ever started from the masters perspective. We were all beginners at one time, and we should allow our horses that leeway too. They are always trying to do their best for us even if it doesn't feel like it sometimes!

Canter Too Fast - Try These Tips